The First Timer’s Fitness Festival is an event we put together to encourage beginners and scaled athletes to compete. This is a great way to get your newer athletes to push themselves and discover the love of competing and Crossfit. We believe the competition aspect of Crossfit is one of the greatest motivators and will encourage your athletes to commit more than ever before to their fitness. Competition shouldn’t just be for Rx and Elite athletes, but everybody.

Sign up here:

Individual Competiton for Men and Women
Scaled and Beginner’s divisions
3 Wods plus a floater
Standards for entering listed on the registration page (no Rx athletes please)
Entry Fee: $65
Cash prizes and goodies for top three winners in each division
T-shirts for all who enter

This Comp is NOT for you if:
You have competed in several CrossFit competitions in the past
You RX’d any of the 2017 Open WODS
You consistently RX WODs at your box

Sign up here: