By Monica Petrucci

Sometimes workouts can be intimidating — especially when you don’t fully understand the jargon surrounding them. Learning the different types of CrossFit-style workouts will give you the confidence to tackle them.

AMRAP means “As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible.” These are high-intensity exercises, where you do as many reps as you can of a certain workout in a fixed time frame. They maximize calorie burns in a short timespan.

EMOM means “Every Minute On the Minute.” This is where you perform one or more reps of the exercise every minute, then rest until the next minute starts. These improve technique and incorporate rest periods.

Completing an exercise FOR TIME means completing a certain workout, or Workout Of the Day (WOD), as fast as possible. These times are often recorded to beat in the future.

Now your only challenge — after memorizing them — will be conquering them!