Our latest Member of the Week is Carissa, a cosmetologist and student from North Reading. Carissa is new to CrossFit—she’s only been doing it since March of this year—but she’s already feeling the positive effects! Says Carissa, “Since joining CrossFit Exclamation, I not only feel stronger physically, but mentally as well. It helped me put things in perspective and keep an even mind throughout the day.” Carissa says her biggest milestone so far is being able to finally do full pushups. We’re so happy to have you as part of our CrossFit family Carissa! We can’t wait to see what other milestones you hit!

Here’s a little more about Carissa…


Q: What is your favorite CrossFit workout? Favorite exercise/skill?

A: “The Bear Complex”

Q: If there were any CrossFit movement you could choose never to do again,

what would it be?

A: Hmmm, Kettle bells!

Q: If there were a WOD named after you, what would it have in it?

A: Squats, squats and more squats

Q: What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear these words?

A: WOD: always looks easier in print

FRAN: Who’s Fran?

BURPEE: my favorite, kidding!

STRENGTH: mobility

LOVE: Life

Q: What is your favorite quote?

A: You’ll never know your limits unless you push yourself to them.

Q: Do you have any advice for people just getting started or new to CrossFit?

A: You will succeed if you keep coming back! We have all been there, just takes patience and courage.

Q: Complete the sentence: “CrossFit should………”

A: be tried at least once! Then you’re hooked, because it’s addictive.