Are you new to CrossFit? Looking for some tips? Check out this list of the “Top Tips For Your First Two Years of CrossFit” from the Tabata Times. The list cites coach John Matzner from the Potomac CrossFit. The tips touch on everything from diet, to routine, to technique. The first tip is below:

1. Breakfast is everything. If I can convince you to eat meat and eggs for breakfast, the other meals are usually OK. If you negotiate with me about having probiotic yogurt instead of meat and eggs, we’re in trouble.

This list is from CrossFit IoTA, adapted from a list by CrossFit Delaware Valley. Listening to your body is definitely a theme here! The first tip is below:

1.) You’re Competing Against Yourself, Not Others
When it comes time to throw down in a wod, don’t feel like you have to do everything RX’d (as prescribed) or be able to complete 20 rounds of Cindy right off the bat. Go at your own pace. Let the intensity find you. You need a solid foundation of strength and flexibility in order to progress into more demanding workouts.  Start light, get your form down, and don’t worry about the mother of three who is deadlifting 250 as you struggle with the 45# bar. Chase your own capacity before chasing the person next to you. Which brings me to my next point…

Check out these tips and let us know what you think! What would you add to the list?