Need to work on your power clean? We highly recommend the WOD Nation blog. Check out this excerpt from their blog “4 Tips to Improve Your Power Clean.” Excerpt is below:

CrossFit Northern California Regional 2012 - Power Clean!

The power clean is one of the best methods of gaining strength and mass in the gym. It can also be one of the most energy-sucking and humbling movements.

Why? Because it involves speed in addition to strength.

Power cleans are one of the more explosive movements and technique goes a long way to adding weight and the fluidity of the movement.

So if you want to start adding mass and lifting more, check out our 4 tips to improve your power clean.

Tip #1 – Start in the Right Position

No where better to start than by in the right position. How you start the power clean can directly affect the rest of the movement.
Some things you will want to remember when getting set up are:
  • Chest up
  • Shoulders back
  • Back tight

A good way to achieve this position is by ensuring that your elbows are in line with your knees when your arms are fully locked out and gripping the bar.

The tension created in your starting position is what will help you transfer more power to the lift during the initial pull.