Outside of the Gym


CrossFit not only gets you in shape but it helps shape all aspects of your life. Here are ten reasons why CrossFit makes you a better employee.

An excerpt from the page is below:


I was in a job interview the other day, talking through my skills and strengths, doing my best to sell myself as a hard worker who would fit into the team. After going through various questions, the interviewer suddenly says, “And I see you do CrossFit?” “Oh, yes!” I beam, with that unbridled enthusiasm common to most CrossFitters. I’d forgotten that I’d slipped in “CrossFit L1 instructor” at the top of my list of qualifications (obviously where it belongs).

As it turned out, my interviewer also did CrossFit, and he proceeded to tell me (also with that unbridled enthusiasm) about how it had changed his life. Ten minutes later, I walked out with a job and having promised them that we’d all be doing lunges down the hallways by the end of my first week. Of course, I wasn’t hired just because my new boss also did CrossFit, but because he knows that CrossFitters make good employees. Here’s why:

1. Doing CrossFit makes you generally awesome.

Ok, that one’s a joke. Kind of.

2. It helps you make connections in the office.

We’ve all heard the joke: “How do you know if someone does CrossFit? They’ll tell you.” Well, let’s be honest, this is quite true – I even got it on my CV, for Pete’s sake!  Discovering that you have a hobby in common with someone at work, especially one as widespread and popular as CrossFit, makes it much easier to start conversations and create connections with colleagues. You’ll be regarded as a better employee because you’ll quickly integrate yourself in to your new team.