Whether CrossFit is new to you or not, there are some common areas that we all need to consider. These include listening to your body, your injuries (old or new) and understanding how much volume your body can handle every day and throughout the week.

Respect the CrossFit process!Respect the CrossFit Process ! And Equipment!

An excerpt from the Breaking Muscle article is below:

Today you can find two types of CrossFit. One is that awesome exercise routine we all fell in love with that consists of functional movements done at high intensity for the betterment of our health. The other is the sport of CrossFit. Just like what you see on ESPN, CrossFit the sport continues to grow every day.

With this growth in popularity, more athletes are coming into the mix and wanting to compete at high levels. They arise from all walks of life, ranging from the former college football player to the ultra-marathon runner, and they all have one thing in common – they lack patience.