Watch as Tony jumps for the first time in years and completes 48 jumping pull-ups.

Video from CrossFit:

Tony Crushes His Workout

“No big deal but … my friend and client, Tony, jumped today for the first time in years! Not only did he jump for his first time, but he went on to complete 48 jumping pull-ups in his workout today! ??? I can’t even begin to express how proud I am to see this man regain more and more of his functional independence and improve his quality of life! Keep crushing it Tony! ??? You’ve got all the support in the world! Today Tony completed:For time:12 x jumping pull-ups12 x box step-ups12 x push-ups250-m skiHe did this 4 times, only his ski increased each round from 250 to 500 to 750 to 1,000 meters. He did this is 22:52! Freaking. Nice. Job. Tony! ( literally ????)“Via Brittany Perkins of Ute Crossfit Sugarhouse

Posted by CrossFit on Thursday, October 18, 2018