It’s that time of year again — the holidays have ended and it’s the season of New Year’s Resolutions. Is it your goal to get fitter in 2017, but you don’t know where to turn? Have you tried countless workout routines but haven’t found one that works for you? Maybe it’s time to start CrossFit.

So, what’s so great about CrossFit?

CrossFit will get you out of your comfort zone and introduce you to a world of fitness that you may not have known existed. What’s great about CrossFit is the variation—every workout presents new challenges and focuses on different muscle groups. This way, you won’t get bored doing the same old routine over and over again.

High intensity workouts that incorporate movements used in daily life will lead to a stronger and more efficient body. And anyone can do it — our workouts are scalable and can be adapted to all levels. The workouts are challenging, but without the intimidation factor. Our “box” is a community of people who support and motivate one another.

After joining CFE, you’ll find out that it isn’t just another gym class — it’s a lifestyle. You won’t know what you’re missing until you try it—start 2017 off right!

Learn more about our different types of classes here, or sign up for a free fitness consultation and let us help you!